Universum explorare, mysteria revelare
Dear observers of asteroids and artificial satellites!
We present you the Lemur software, which is able to detect the moving space objects (asteroids/satellites) in a series of astronomical frames. We hope that an automation level of the image processing we offer will allow you to reduce the time for routine processing operations and concentrate on the question of “where to look” and not “how to process” – at least that was our goal. Who would benefit from the Lemur software especially? If you are engaged in asteroid or satellite surveys on a regular basis and receive large volumes of astronomical frames that need to be processed quickly, the Lemur software can solve this problem in an automated mode.
Supported by:
Powerful Lemur features
Intraframe processing
Brightness equalization and cosmetics

- compensates uneven sensitivity and defects of the CCD-camera;
- eliminates spurious illumination from extraneous light sources (lights, passing cars), as well as uneven illumination of the frame at “dawn” or near bright stars;
- allows to dispense with flat frames;
- the use of aligned in brightness frames significantly reduces the errors in detection and parameters estimation of objects images.
Frames segmentation

- determines the set of CCD-camera pixels which correspond to the images of the objects in a frame;
- uses a complex of classical and original segmentation methods with their adaptive automatic selection for each frame and segment in it;
- classifies objects images into “circular/extended”, and also selects “anomalous pixels”;
- forms segments for objects with small size and images of large stars with diffraction stretches;
- forms segments for super-extended objects.
Parameters estimation of objects images

- determines the exact rectangular coordinates of objects, instrumental brightness, signal-to-noise ratio, length and other image parameters;
- analytical parameters estimation of circular and extended images of objects before and after the matched filter;
- parameters estimation of the object’s images with an analytically undefined profile before and after the matched filter;
- instrumental brightness estimation of circular and extended images, as well as images of objects with an analytically undefined profile.
Matched filtration of images

- selects images of faint stars and objects;
- reduces the number of false objects;
- matched filtration is implemented for images of objects: point (frames with diurnal tracking), extended (stroke) and with an analytically undefined profile (frames without diurnal tracking).
Frames identification, astrometry, photometry

- finds the correspondence between stars images in frame and data of modern star catalogs;
- forms a catalog of objects motionless in a series of frames;
- establishes an analytical relationship between the rectangular frame coordinate system and the International Celestial Reference System (ICRS);
- photometry: establishes an analytical connection between instrumental brightness and brightness in the selected star catalog;
- linear, cubic and fifth-degree astrometric reduction models are available;
- automatic selection of astrometric reduction model is implemented;
- robust automatic selection of reference stars is implemented.
Interframe processing
Detection of moving objects in normal speed range

- detects and discovers comets, asteroids and satellites in automated mode;
- uses the method of light collecting, which allows energy accumulation of the images of the objects along trajectories with unknown parameters, which provides high-quality detection in telescopes with small aperture;
- works at low thresholds and allows to see very faint and hardly observable objects, for observation of which by traditional methods it is necessary to increase the observing potential in several times;
- software has linear complexity with the number of the measurements per frame, which allows working at low thresholds and detecting a motion against the background of 5000 false measurements and 20,000 stars.
Detection of fast-moving objects

- detects objects with images blurred by their own motion;
- discovers NEO when they are approaching the Earth.
Detection of moving objects with near-zero apparent motion

- detects objects with almost imperceptible visible movement (commensurate with errors in position estimation of objects);
- detects objects approaching the Earth at large distances.
Detection of satellites

- detects satellites with geostationary orbit;
- detects satellites with high-elliptical orbit on frames with stars background like as strokes made by fixed mounting telescope;
- detects satellites with the low Earth orbit (LEO);
- detects satellites with the medium Earth orbit (MEO).
How It Works
Step : 1

Install and Setup
Distinctively reconceptualize mission technology positioning materials after out of resoulations to actualize distinctive footage
Step : 2

Essential Testing
Distinctively reconceptualize mission technology positioning materials after out of resoulations to actualize distinctive footage
Step : 3

Finished Process
Distinctively reconceptualize mission technology positioning materials after out of resoulations to actualize distinctive footage